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  Adder, Avocent, Raritan, Rittal, Rose, Minicom, Spook, Mcab & MCES, Branded Hardware, Prolabs, KVM Choice, Rextron - NEWlink, Fujitsu, Xceedium, ServerTech, Aten, Austin Hughes, Metrodata, enLOGIC, BachMann, Hellermann, DVIGear, APC, Sierra Wireless, TRiPower, PatchSee, IEC Lock, HighSecLabs, PacketPower, Smart-e, Smart AVI, Sunbird, Minkels, IPower, AddOn AV Scaler / Converters products:

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CVH-01 V2 SmartAVI - VGA to HDMI Converter and Integrated Scaler, with audio support (VGA Converter) Price Excluding VAT £188.36 (Including VAT £226.032)