KWX-SENS-TH2 KWX Range Temporature & Humidity Sensor ( PDU eXpert Environmental KWX-Sensor )

KWX-SENS-Temporature and Humidity


KWX Range Combined Temporature & Humidity Sensor Part of the KWX Environmental Sensors set for use with PDUeX ( KWX Range - PDU's and Environmental management units. Connected by the RJ45 port cable directly into your PDU or Distribution unit with 3 meter cable to an RJ-45 connector


- Enviromental Sensor for direct connection into PDUex Equipment.
- 3 meter cable to an RJ-45 connector
- Simple and easy


KWX-SENS-TH2 KWX Range Temporature & Humidity Sensor ( PDU eXpert Environmental KWX-Sensor )

For use only with PDUeXpert KWX Range PDU or Environmental management units.

Sensor connected via dedicated connection.

compatible products

£150.32 £180.38 (Inc vat)
