Remote Management :
41to 50 , from a total of 68
KWX-SENS-WTR KWX Range Water Logging Sensor ( PDU eXpert Environmental KWX-Sensor )
KWX Range Water Logging Sensor ( PDU eXpert Environmental KWX-Sensor )
Part of the KWX Environmental Sensors set for use with PDUeX ( KWX Range - PDU's and...
KWX-SENS-MOT KWX Range Motion Sensor PIR ( PDU eXpert Environmental KWX-Sensor )
KWX Range Motion PIR Detector Sensor ( PDU eXpert Environmental KWX-Sensor )
Part of the KWX Environmental Sensors set for use with PDUeX ( KWX Range - PDU's and...
EA1540 Aten Sensor - Capacity Leakage /Water Sensor
The EA1540 Capacitive Leakage Sensor can automatically detect and notify users of any liquid in close proximity with the connected PDU. When any liquid is detected, the EA1540's...
UPDS-TRIMS UPTIME DEVICES Heat RIMS ( Temp Humidity, Airflow, Dry Contact ). Environmental Monitoring Sensor
Humidity, Temperature, Airflow, Dry Contact Remote Intelligent Multiple Sensors (™ Pending)
Environmental issues are one of the leading causes for equipment...
UPDS-232RIMS UPTIME DEVICES RS-232 RIMS ( 1 Port ) Environmental Monitoring Sensor
RS-232 RIMSRemote Intelligent Multi Sensors (™ Pending)
Don’t spend money replacing power strips with newer and more expensive IP addressable models. Using the RS-232...
DX-PIR - Raritan Sensor - Digital proximity sensor which detects motion around a cabinet. (Physical Access & Security Sensors)
Digital proximity sensor which detects motion around a cabinet, using an RJ-45 connector. The DX-PIR is capable of providing movement detection up to 5 meters, and is compatible...
EA1340 - Aten Sensor - Differential Pressure / Temperature Sensor
Aten Differential Pressure / Temperature Sensor. For environmental monitoring and management, ATEN provides sensor probes that work in tandem with the Power Distribution Units,...
DX-PD2C5 - Raritan Sensor - 2 Active dry contact closures powered by 12V - support door locks (Physical Access & Security Sensors).
Two active dry contacts powered by 12V to support door locks. Five digital Normally Closed (NC) or Normally Open (NO) contact closures which require customer-provided NC or NO...
DX2-AF1 - Raritan Sensor - Numeric sensor with RJ-45 connector, designed to monitor presence of cooling air. SmartSensor (Environmental Monitoring Sensor)
(DX2-AF1) Numeric sensor with RJ-45 connector, designed to monitor presence of cooling...
DX2-WSC-KIT - Raritan Sensor - Rope Water Sensor, SmartSensor. Detects leaks with a contact closure sensor. (Environmental Monitoring Sensors)
Rope water/leak sensor and a contact closure sensor for detecting water or water and glycol leaks. Detect leaks anywhere along the length of this flexible cable and report the...
Remote Management : Showing 41 to 50 , from a total of 68